
President Tim Sutton
Chairman Neil Lamond
General Secretary Eloise Robinson
Treasurer Neil Lamond
Magazine Editor Tim Sanders
Membership Secretary Mark Carter
ARCC Chairman, Regalia Officer and
Archive Centre Trust Representative
Nick Harrison
Series Spares Secretary Mike Langley
Fastback Spares Secretary Peter Lawrence
Archive Officer Peter Wormald
Press & Communications Officer Vacant
Events & Competitions Secretary Paul Reeves
Ordinary Committee Members Keith Dark, Glen Mason, Ron Atherton, Mark Carter

Non Committee Positions

New Member Liaison Bob Marsden
Technical Advisor Peter Wormald
Fastback Registrar Glen Mason
Series Registrar Martin Connor
Remanufactured Spares Officer Vacant

Also Local Area Officers are required for some regions.  These are not Committee posts but are vital contacts with local members.

Vacant Positions

Press & Communications Officer

All submissions for the website should be sent to the Webmaster.

All content copyright Sunbeam Rapier Owners Club.