T O P I C R E V I E W |
bobm |
Posted - 20 Nov 2016 : 16:07:45 The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs (FBHVC) has set the date for the 2017 Drive It Day as Sunday 23rd April.
Since I became the proud owner of my Sunbeam Rapier Series V last January, I have seen and heard a lot of feedback and comments saying that our Sunbeam Rapier Series and Fastback cars do not get the recognition deserved as one the best post war British cars.
I think we should tackle this head on and get out to as many Classic Car Events as we can with our Rapiers in 2017. The FBVHC Drive It Day generates many, many Classic Car Events both nationally and locally, so all of us should be able to find at least one that we can get to with our Rapiers.
On a beautiful sunny Sunday 24th April this year I went to the Rootes Archive Centre Drive It Day in Banbury with my Series V, the only Rapier to be there alongside Avengers, Imps, Alpines and Talbot Sunbeams.....
I'll be there again next year and it would be great to be just one of many Rapiers................

2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
bobm |
Posted - 20 Apr 2017 : 08:56:24 Latest Up Date on RACT Drive It Day below:
The weather forecast looks good. I'll be there with my Rapier Series V and it would be great to see you and your Rapier.
Drive It! Day 23th April, 2017, 10am-4pm Rootes Archive Centre, Units G151-4, Cherwell Business Village, Southam Road, Banbury, Oxon OX16 2SP, UK Admission Free! Light refreshments available including sausage or bacon sandwiches. Please donate to the Archive Centre. Drive It! Day, 2017 Sunday 23rd April 2017, 10am-4pm. A two centre event at our current and new premises (site viewing) with optional road run between. Refreshments available: BBQ, tea, coffee and cake. Parts, manuals, literature available plus a Bring & Buy Stall. Visitors may also take the opportunity to look at the Archive and ask questions. Enquiries and further information: Matt Ollman 12 Medcroft Road, Tackley, Kidlington, Oxon OX5 3AH Tel: 01869 331552 e-Mail: mailto:matthewollman_at_rootesarchivecentre.org.uk
bobm |
Posted - 06 Dec 2016 : 08:13:23 Just received my Rootes Archive Trust Friends e-news.
Great news that the RACT have raised £68,000 in the past year with another £74,000 pledged to enable them to move to their own premises and secure their future financial position. The result is that RACT has placed a deposit with a developer to construct a new building for the Rootes Archive at Wroxton. All subject to the usual planning permission and consents being granted.
RACT also confirmed that there will be a Driving Day Event at their current location in Banbury on Sunday 23rd April, including a drive to the new building site. Even more reasons to go along with your Rapier!
If you would like to visit RACT at Banbury before then, there are Open Days on Sunday 8th January, Sunday 5th February and Sunday 5th March. You'll be made very welcome and get the chance to view the Archive Records. |