T O P I C R E V I E W |
Rapierdave |
Posted - 01 Jul 2016 : 08:11:00 Hi Have the SROC got a stand at Powderham Castle over the weekend of 9th & 10th July Also does any one know if exhibiting cars still turn up on Friday evening 8th July on Teignmouth seafront ?
Coupes are cool
7 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
bigt80 |
Posted - 14 Jul 2016 : 16:09:00 Great photo's there M, gives a good sense of what a good show it is. Hope to make it next year - in the Tangerine Dream?? Sorry to hear you were a bit worse for wear, but you had the wk end to recover. Cheers! G. |
Posted - 14 Jul 2016 : 12:10:31 To add to Jason's comments
As usual the Powdy weekend was brilliant.
After a few of us arrived at the camping field and successfully pitched up, well David Atherton brought so much with him it was as if he had moved house, we headed in convoy to Teignmouth Sea Front for 19.30 to meet Malcolm Fletcher and to join the line up of classics.

In good spirits and on return to the camping field the beer and whiskey were flowing mainly in my direction; something (as Jason pointed out) I was to regret that night and for most of Saturday. Oops.
Saturday saw 10 Rapiers on the club stand, with a 50/50 split between Series' and Fastbacks. But to be honest I didn't see much of the show until the afternoon when I was able to eat and drink again.

At 17.00 Malcolm led us out of the show field and onto the usual run that saw lots of lovely scenery and the fastback boys revving their engines. Jason and a chap with an Avenger Tiger joined us until the A380 where they found the motorway home and we continued to a carpark, overlooking the sea.

On the evening we wandered across to the beer tent and although I wasn't drinking, we were pleased to find illuminated steam engines and a live 80s band, playing the hits of Trex and Bowie.

Sunday arrived and after some rain in the night, the sun was out. I packed my things into the car and headed for the club stand. There were 9 Rapiers in total on the stand. For me Sunday was a great day, so many cars to see along with steam engines, live bands and a falconry display. The weather was good too.

A big thank you to Malcolm Fletcher for continuing to include us in this great show and thanks to all who came along. Sorry if you saw me worse for wear on Saturday.
bigt80 |
Posted - 14 Jul 2016 : 09:28:14 Thanks for posting the photos J, sorry I could not make it this year. Got to have a good check-over of the 'kack-hander' before taking it off anywhere. It has been much neglected of late . Looks like a good turn out; esp. Fastback this year. Hope the queue to get out wasn't as bad as what I got caught up in last year, but I suspect it was. Cheers. G. |
JPSH120 |
Posted - 12 Jul 2016 : 21:18:05 A few photos from Saturday at Powderham. A good day out and nice to make the trip again after 10 long years. Luckily Martin was on hand to remind everyone about the dangers of drinking too much . It might look in the first picture like he's cleaning his car but he's actually preying for forgiveness!!!

JPSH120 |
Posted - 06 Jul 2016 : 10:41:17 Fingers crossed i will be able to come along on Saturday, 10 years after my last appearance 
Dave - Friday night gathering is on according to the website;

bigt80 |
Posted - 05 Jul 2016 : 11:40:19 Hi all, Our SWLAO Malcolm tells me that some tickets to the event have become available; so if you would like to join the others, already booked on the SROC stand, then please contact Malcolm. southwest-lao@sunbeamrapier.co.uk It is a great event and if you have not been I would definitely recommend it. G. |
bigt80 |
Posted - 01 Jul 2016 : 09:28:01 Hi Rapierdave, Yes, they have a stand. I'm not going this year unfortunately - too much going on. As for Friday, I don't know: best contact the LAO - southwest-lao@sunbeamrapier.co.uk Cheers. G. |