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Posted - 11 Feb 2015 : 21:48:36 Wondered if I could make a suggestion, would it be possible to have a category within the forums where we could post a kind of cross reference table? Specifically I mean when someone has done a project and sourced a component (not necessarily listed for a Rapier) they can post the accurate part numbers, which vehicles they fit and where they came from. If everyone contributes from past and current jobs as they crop up we could pretty quickly have a fairly comprehensive list?
1972 Rapier H120
2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Posted - 12 Feb 2015 : 21:07:01 Brill sounds good. If it can be as simple as possible for folks to post to they will be more likely to do it.
1972 Rapier H120
Posted - 11 Feb 2015 : 22:05:59 Hi Jon, that sounds like a good idea. We had discussed in committee and I think it had been put in a recent C & T about having a 'parts exchange', where people who had multiple spares of different things could bring them to the attention of other members who may need bits; this rather than having lots of stuff sitting and doing nothing. It never really got going though. We were going to put that in the members area of the forum, but I think what your suggesting would be better shared amongst all forum members. Probably a little Excel sheet type thing that people can link to might be best. I'll have a chat with webman & see what we can come up with - nothing too fussy. Yes, I'm sure there are bits listed for other cars that fit ours, or places where parts have been sourced or refurbished etc. Thanks for the suggestion: let's see if we can get something set up soon. Cheers. G.