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 H120 Replica for sale

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jabe1807 Posted - 23 Sep 2019 : 11:57:25
I want to sell my H120 replica. How much is it worth?

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
paul marshall Posted - 24 Sep 2019 : 22:19:51
Looks good, shame that the seats are not original but they dont look out of place, an green h120 sold recently in the uk for 7k, but i think the seller could have got more the same car was advertised at the same price a couple of years ago. Its the old chestnut of how quickly you want to sell and how much you need the cash, id start at about 9k and work down, there arent many good cars around so if a buyer wants one they dont have a lot of choice, and someone in europe may have been waiting for a left hand drive one for a while. Put it on car and classic classified ad and see how you get on.

paul marshall
jabe1807 Posted - 24 Sep 2019 : 19:52:22
Thanks for your reply.
It is original body and there have been minimal rust welding.
Here is a picture of the engine and interior.
H120 pistons, weber, distributor and cylinder head. Not sure about the camshaft

paul marshall Posted - 23 Sep 2019 : 20:02:48
Hi there, has it got the holbay engine with the weber carbs? is the body original and sound? any serious welding over the years? the left hand drive will put off the uk buyers, but if it was right hand drive uk car in good condition then between 6 and 12 k, depending on the direction of the wind!
you cant really tell what its worth until you try and sell it!
best of luck with it - it looks tidy, get pictures of the engine bay and more or the interior.

paul marshall

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